Friday, August 12, 2011

Flat wore out

Yesterday I was so tired, I didn't think I would make it through the day. In fact I was in bed early last night and went fast asleep and slept all night. I feel better today, but makes me wonder if it is old age that is creeping up with me and I cant keep up the pace I used to or if there is something wrong with me. I would think that if you never slow down your body would never know anything different. I hate feeling tired all the time. You sure don't get much done when you feel that way.
It has been a long time since I have gotten up in the morning, and felt like I had the world by the tail and I was going to take it on and win. Most mornings lately, I get out of bed and manage to get done just what I have to do. I hate hate hate feeling like that. I really think this feeling has been exaggerated by my breathing problems and lack of oxygen. I don't know, maybe I am just imagining things. I basically feel good, just tired, so I seldom think about it much anymore, I just do what I can. I am hoping that as autumn arrives, some of my P&V will return.


Bob G. said...

I swear that every morning I get up (around 0530 hrs), I HAZVE to say to myself:
"I know...the SPIRIT is willing, but the body takes a bit longer these days".
You get the idea.
NO matter how sharp the mind is,ior how fast it stil processes stuff, sometimes, you have to submit to ALL those "days past"...they will catch up, sooner or later.
They "say" to exercise and keep moving when you have arthritis, but even I can't be moving 24/7.

I guess all the things we never knew we did to your body when we were younger DOES in fact, come back to haunt us.

Autumn always does recharge me, but it's over so darn fast!

Do take care.
And stay safe down there

Joanne said...

I hope and pray that your energy returns.
Blessings, Joanne