Thursday, October 13, 2011

Everyone has value and something to offer

I believe this is true. It took me a very long time to "get" that I too have something to offer. I can offer encouragement to others. I can offer an ear to listen, I am a very good listener. I can offer a shoulder to cry on. And a swift kick in the ass when needed. And there is real beauty in that, I may not think what I have to say is interesting to any one but I am sure there is someone somewhere that will be interested and if I can help just one person this blog has value. I offer to be a bad example, I will be the face of a smoker, I will stop and tell your kids why I have this tube in my nose, and I will patiently answer their questions. From time to time when I am out and about little kids will watch me and point. I smile and say hello and tell them it is from smoking. I see their eyes get big and I know it hits home with them. So you see even tho I am old and broken I can offer hope, hope that I can make a difference and that even if just one child remembers my face when he or she is tempted to smoke that first cigarette I have offered something of value.

(this is a repost of one of my first blog entries)


Bob G. said...

Now that's a wonderful thought...gonna have to remind MYSELF of that a lot more.

And remember, you're never THAT old that you can't be young-at-heart, nor THAT broken that you can never be mended.
(we're just a bit badly

You'd be amazed at all the souls you've touched so far in life...
(and they're only the ones you know)

Great post.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

God bless you! I know that you have saved many kids from smoking.
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

Oh my!You touched my life many many yrs ago,and you are someone I will never never forget!