Friday, December 23, 2011

5 on Friday

1. What is your very favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story. I love the people and the story, one of my favorite scenes is Ralphie in the bunny suit, and when he went blind from soap poisoning. Just a fun family show.

2. Do you serve any special food that you must have for Christmas? It would not be Christmas without my Daughter in laws Stuffed Mushrooms. This year we will NOT have our usual traditional dinner and they all will come to my house this year and we will have Chinese Take out.

3. Are you hard to buy for? Not at all although I would rather give than receive. Receiving makes me uncomfortable.. Yeah I know.. I hope to work thru it sooner rather than later.

4. What was your all time favorite Christmas Gift? Wow I have so many but I think I would have to say my Mother’s Ring and/or my Grandmothers necklace, or my pistol with the pink pearl handle.

5. Fill in the blank; I hope ____________ for Christmas. We have snow. I know sort of hokey but I do love a White Christmas.


Bob G. said...

Ok, here goes:

-- Scrooge (1951) I remember watching this when TV movies were "new", and pretty much grew UP seeing it every year.
(runners up - White Christmas, Polar Express and yeah, I might even watch A Christmas Story...but ONLY for the RIFLE aspect...LOL)

-- Favorite food was anything MOM could afford in the day. Today, it's Turkey for us (and we are ALSO doing Chinese coincidental)

-- VERY easy to buy for...anything that is practical to WEAR, SHOOT, PLAY WITH, BUILD...or EAT.
(and I have size charts and suggestion lists available upon request)

-- Wow, that's a hard one...maybe it was that BATTLEGROUND PLAYSET...or maybe those 12 inch G.I. Joe figures and the JEEP (that I gave away to a cousin, who probably sold it and paid his 3rd year in college off)

-- Gotta go with you on the SNOW gig...I like singing that song from White Christmas...PLUS, it's a lot more QUIET with a nice blanket of snow on the ground (even around HERE, believe it or not)

Excellent list.

Have a VERY MERRY CJHRISTMAS and the BEST weekend ever!

God Bless and stay safe (and gift-given) down there.

CWMartin said...

Y'know, I looked at #5 and really didn't have an answer. Christmas has been so battered over the years by growing up, losing family, commercialism, work, atheists crying over nativities, I don't know how to see it sometimes. Then the new Bishop decided to pull midnight mass from TV and robbed me of another tradition. It just feels like a turkey that's been through the meal and two rounds of leftovers. I remember going to the mall and hearing the soft playing of Christmas music. Today it was just nice to hear "Excuse me" a couple of times. I'm not a total scrooge- we did presents today w/ my son and had a lot of fun- especially when I took him to school in two-handed euchre (tee hee!) But I remember what Christmas used to be, and the only thing that is worse than what it is now is knowing I could never give my kids what I had. But I have gotten some really good moments this year- including the card I got from You!

Merry Christmas! I still have a day and an hour-and-a-half to get the spirit!