Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The worst way to be awakened is by the excruciating pain of a leg cramp. Actually, I suppose that the absolute worst way to be awakened is by someone yelling “Fire!” Yep, that would be worse than a cramp!!!Last night as I was laying in bed sound asleep I was suddenly awake at 2:00 by the worst leg cramp ever!!! To stop the cramp, I tried to flex my foot toward my knee, stretching the calf muscle, thereby stopping the cramp with very little soreness afterward at least for a moment. Then it was back again so I flexed my foot toward my knee again, nothing happened, the painful cramp continued. I increased the pressure to stretch the muscle. The excruciating pain in my calf moved to the front of my leg. I actually felt it move. The pain extended from just below my knee to the tips of my toes. My toes were bent backwards at an unnatural angle. When I tried to ease the pressure, I found my leg, ankle and toes were locked! Oh, the pain! As I lay in bed groaning and massaging my poor leg, a thought crossed my mind. “My gosh! What if my leg and foot remains locked in this position!!! I will have to buy elf shoes!!” Finally, after about 15 minutes of groaning and in pain, my leg relaxed, and I am now able to hobble around.


Bob G. said...

Had that happen more than a few times...
Once, the cramp was so bad, I was limping for the better part of a DAY!
DOcs say it's some "deficiency" like maybe potassium (or something).
I get them in the CALVES...and it feels like a truck parked on it!

Fortunately, haven't had them for some time (knocks on wood)...so maybe I'm doing "something" right.
Wish to hell I knew WHAT THAT WAS...lol.

Elf shoes?
Nah, not yet.

Hang in there.

Stay safe (and dry) down there.

Joanne said...

OOOO just reading this brought back memories of when I was preganant with my son. Those leg cramps are horrendous! What helped me at times was to get out of bed and actually put pressure on the leg by standing. Glad the cramp finally let go...Elf shoes only look good on elves! :O)
Blessings, Joanne

CWMartin said...

I think thats how i got the pseudoaneuyrism a couple years back that had me off my feet for 4 months. Now that leg won't cramp all the way anymore- it will act like it wants to, and then backs off. Hope yours is better.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what Joanne said. I had them more than a few times during my second pregnancy. I found out that the reason might be magnesium or potassium deficiency, so I started taking magnesium supplements I also found some useful tips here http://www.legcrampsguide.com/
Regards, Susan