Monday, November 7, 2011


Trust me.
Yeah, right. Whenever anyone says that to me I want run the other way. And I bet most of you do too. It is a fact of life that trust is something precious to all of us and affects us in almost all aspects of our lives.

Trust is a big topic because it is so universal. Whom do you trust? I trusted my husband implicitly and was betrayed.

We trust the dentist to make sure we are numb before he fixes our cavities, we trust the doctor to make a diagnosis to make us well. We trust that our food is safe, we trust the mechanic who works on our car.

We have to trust whether we want to or not. I can’t go thru my life worrying about getting screwed over all the time. It is also important that we are trust worthy. and that we teach our children the value and meaning of trust.


Anonymous said...

Trust is the very basis of civilized Society.

Bob G. said...

I've come to know that the first step to trusting others is to have TRUST IN YOURSELF...

That belief can open a lot of doors.

And Snakefoot's right...withOUT a sound foundation in TRUST, society's house is sitting on VERY sandy soil.
(and that ain't good)

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I tend to trust at first. But once someone breaks that trust for me it is very very hard to forgive. That is one of my major flaws. I'm trying to work on it.
Blessings, Joanne