Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things I thought about while my internet was down

  • I don’t know what a ponzi scheme really is.
  • And along those lines, am I the only one who sees the sick irony in the name Madoff?
  • Every time I see a Smart Car, I smile.
  • It's never too late to get in the swing of things.
  • I don't sift flour. Ever. And I'm not sorry.
  • While we're at it, what is "figgie pudding" and do I really want someone to bring it to me?
  • I love the Christmas music on the radio.
  • What exactly is the swing of things?
  • I just noticed that my vitamins are for people over 50. But I'm going to keep taking them because my mother always told me I was advanced.
If everything has a purpose, then what purpose does dust have?
I don't like the word stimulus.
I wish the AARP would leave me alone.
I am going to try to spend less time on Facebook.


Alice said...

The purpose of dust?

To keep the furniture polish people in business?

I didn't know those little cars were called smart cars...I learned something here today:)

Bob G. said...

LOL..now THERE are some things I must contemplate if ever OUR IP craps out...!
Got a few observations on them...

--AARP finally stopped bugging me (THIS year).
--Nope...NEVER too late.
--Figgie pudding isn't "pudding" (like Jell-o)...more like a cake/custard mix that looks like something burnt (with figs in it, of course).
But, when you douse it w/ BRANDY and LIGHT the bugger...now THAT's cool!
-- Dust is there so vacuum cleaners and Pledge sales don't bottom out (job security from the "dust-fairy")
--What's facebook?
--"Smart" cars...LMAO!
(I thought the ONLY smart thing in a car was a good DRIVER?)

Fun list.

You stay safe (and dry) down there.