Tuesday, January 21, 2014

For Bobby G

Little John is still fishing in this bitter cold. 

He is very patient and so is his trusty guard goose.

The little island in the middle of the Wabash is covered in snow,  you can't tell where the island is and where the river starts.  Just a bit above and to the right of that big old rock is a tiny open spot where  the geese gather.
 A closer look at the frozen Little John.  Barefooted that silly boy.

 I stuck my nose out the back door to take this photo. The temp was 8º and man was it windy.  Felt like needles in my lungs.. don't think I will do that again till it warms up.
 Was a pretty sunset tonight but I only have a cheap little point and shoot camera. .someday I will get a good one.
A windy bitter cold day but it sure is beautiful out my back door.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Those are some GREAT pictures...love the "guard goose"!

Yeah, you'd think Little John would have wanted SOCKS for Christmas, hmm?

And never fret about picture-taking with am inexpensive camera...
HALF of taking a GOOD picture has to do with the person HOLDING the camera!
(trust me)
The other half is "subject-matter"...

Having a GOOD camera is like EXTRA icing on a cake.
Someday I'll get that icing, too.

Thank you for sharing the photos.

Stay safe AND warm down there.