Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day

My Dad in WWII Army Air Corps

 Dad and his flight crew

Memory Box that Joe and I have been working on. It needs a  bit of adjusting but you get the idea.. Please notice his dog tag on the flag, it is his issued tag that he wore.  He served in ETO and was based in Italy.. He flew 22 missions.  

Friday, May 27, 2016

Family tree

        I have quite a few cousins that I do not know.  35 to be exact.  Slowly I have been contacting each one for information on their family.  Each one has a unique story and unique family.  I have missed out on a lot by not knowing most of them.  The other night I called a cousin who now lives in Florida.  OMGosh, what a character,  it was entertaining and a bit scary all at once.  Let's call her D,  after I introduced my self to D, she proceeded to tell me she is about to get evicted, her pets don't have any food, her car is broke down and she has no money.  Now I admit I am a sucker for a hard luck story, however, not this time.  Something was a little off and it was D. not sure if she drinks or was over medicated but she was flat out weird.  She did have a very hard life and she gave me glimpses of it. She has buried 2 husbands, her father (my uncle) died when she was 8 months old.  
     Her father was my mom's only brother.  He married a very young girl named Donna and they had 3 children.. D was the youngest. When Donna's  husband died she was 22 years old with three small children.. According to D her mother went on the have another daughter and marry 4 more times.  Donna  died at age 44.
Now this was back in the day when women did not work outside the home much.  They did woman stuff, and the man made the living and supported the family.  
    I have been enjoying doing our family tree and getting to know my family on my mom's side.   Apparently I have the world's most messed up family.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

5 for Friday

1. What is your favorite condiment?
Yellow Mustard.

2. What is your favorite spice?
Cinnamon, Cloves, Smokey Paprika

3. What is your favorite cooking oil? (Canola oil, sesame oil, butter, etc)
Olive Oil and non stick cooking sprays made with olive oil

4. What is your favorite starchy food? (Bread, rice, potatoes, noodles, etc)
All of the above. I am a lover of carbs and starches.

5. What is your favorite flavor for candy?

Duh,  dark Chocolate

Friday, May 20, 2016

5 for Friday

1) What is your favorite book and why?
This question is so much harder for me than it should be. I have way too many, and they sort of rotate around in order based on my mood and my age. Up there consistently is Les Miserables, Gone Girl, and The Art of the Deal. Which is a weird mix. But after all it is me so go figure.

2) How many languages do you speak?
Two: English and Pig Latin

3) How many family members do you have named Bill?, Jim? ETC?
I have a son named Jim, in my family the common name is Christopher,  Odd but there  are no ETCs, in my family but would be cool name. haha

4) Whats your all time favorite song?
Wow no way can I just name one song.. I will say this I love Garth and George Strait.

5) What can't you imagine your life without?
My  mind, conscious and fully functioning-- which is why when it starts to go, I'll consider my life over and probably kill myself. I have writing a living will to ensure no one tries to keep me around in a vegetable or brain-damaged state if there's an alternative. Given a second choice I would chose my computer..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

5 for Friday

1) Do you like your birth-name? Why?
doesn't matter whether i like it or not, since it's the one everyone knows me by...It is a very old fashioned name and it is one you don't hear often. I was named after my aunt and my gramma

2) If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be?
Yeah I have had this one so long I will just keep it. .

3) What names would you consider giving your children?
I named my boys Greg, Gary and Jimmy..easy normal names

4) If you had a band, what would you name it, and why?
wow since I am not musical in any way shape or form.. hmmm I would say .. "The Big Mess"

5) Is there a name that you completely hate? Why?
too early in the morning to answer that one