Thursday, June 20, 2019

5 on Fridzy

1. What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

Hmm. That I'm a good person. I hadn't ever thought of adding "that" to my list of mad skills, but the first time someone said it  I was gob-smacked. (I watch BBC America) Still am, frankly.

2. What was the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you?

That "people like me are the cause of all the problems in the world." Said to me while I was getting out of my car after I had parked in a Handicapped Parking space. Yes, I'm handicapped.  But it hurts when people I don't know make assumptions. If only I was as healthy as you think I am, bee-yatch.

3. At times, lots of people never tell us what they are really thinking. Who is the one person that you would really like to know what they are thinking (as far as how they feel about you), and why?

There isn't anyone that I know who hasn't told me exactly where they stand with me. I'm pretty lucky least I hope so. *strains of Billy Joel's "The Stranger" play ominously in the background*

4. What was the nicest thing you have ever said to anyone?

"I love you." That's about as nice as you can get, right?

5. What was the meanest thing you have ever said to anyone?

 Probably some of the stuff I said to my ex. I didn't mean to be cruel, but sometimes the truth can hurt. And it probably did.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Running low on tolerance

...I miss Johnny Carson.

I never knew what his politics were. He was just funny.

These so called "late night comedians" today...Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert...they're just nags shoving their Leftist politics down our throats. 

They're not funny. They're boring.

Maybe it's the long winter that is getting to me.  Maybe it's just me.  Are any of you feeling the same?  Please tell me that I have some company in my little cranky world.

5 on Friday

1. What song would you sing to your newborn child? (OR if you already had a child, which song did you sing to him/her?)
I sang "Hush Little Baby" and "Rock a bye" to my kids.

2. How do you think animals think? (i.e. in animal language, human language, etc.)
I think animals think in whatever their primary sense is. I think they think in terms of scent and sound rather than words or images.

3. As a child, did you have a dream to make a difference in the world? Can you describe your dream?
Can I not still have that sort of dream now? When I was a kid I didn't really care that much about the world. It was only once I got older that I did. Maybe a  better regard for all other living things.

4. Do you believe in God/a Higher Being
Anyone who can look at a sunset and think otherwise is crazy.  So Yes. 
5. Do you believe in aliens?
Meh...I think there might be other intelligent life forms out there. But aliens like you see in movies? No

Saturday, June 8, 2019


If you can be a giver instead of a taker you will find much joy in your life. If you can find a way to love and serve others,that will be the greatest thing you will ever do and will bring you the most satisfaction. Having a servant's heart means thinking more about others than yourself. I hope my heart will become softer and I will become more in tune with the needs of others and have more compassion toward the hurt and pain of others in this world.
Our worth has absolutely nothing to do with what we possess or don't possess. Your worth and purpose in this life does not depend on who you are, on what you have done, or on what has been done to you. Your worth and purpose do not depend on where you have been. Your worth is what you have allowed yourself to become.

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
~ John Wooden ~

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Stuff so much Stuff

Stuff.. lots of stuff. My house is bursting with stuff. My stuff, my kids stuff. Keep sakes and clutter. Our whole lives we spend acquiring stuff. Our success is measured in part by how much stuff we own. New stuff, antique stuff, good stuff and stuff to jog our memory. In all my years I have never seen a u-haul following a hearse. So what happens to all this stuff we leave behind? Most of my stuff is ordinary. Nothing remarkable or valuable. But almost everything I own contains a memory.
Before I get too excited, I should find out what the stuff is worth. Not how much an appraiser says it's worth - what someone will pay me. I will probably be surprised at what my "priceless" antiques are worth.
The ultimate decision of what to do with any of these belongings is mine.
I am seeing how much work and stress is involved in this cleaning out process and I would like to make my exit easier on the ones left behind.
What I am trying to say (and obviously not very well) I am NOT talking about getting rid of my stuff. I am talking about the burden of what we leave behind is for our children .. or family.. how hard it is for me to do the right thing.. what is the right thing? we spend our life gathering things and in the end it means nothing but work for those left behind.