Friday, June 27, 2014

5 on Friday

1. If you could change one life-changing event in the life of someone important to you, would you?
No. Who knows what kind of mess could be created when messing with the past. I could make thinks worse.

2. Which do you think is easier to do, being friends for many years, or being married for many years?
Friends because you can ignore friends and they will not get angry with you.

3. Have you ever walked away from someone you considered a friend?

4. If you had to choose between telling the truth and hurting a friend or lying and making them happy, which would you choose?
Probably a white lie.

5. Which would you rather hear–the truth which will hurt, or the comforting lie?

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Warning! Another bullet list.  This list is just me meandering through the senseless garbage in my head…
  • Why is water wet? Oh that is a stupid question, what do you expect water to be, dry with a touch of lemon?
  • Why is the weather so wonky lately?  Probably due to climate change they keep mentioning.
  • Why don’t the Washington Redskins drop the word “Washington” that is more offensive than Redskins.
  • I hate it when people say “he’s a nice person, once you get to know him” They might as well say he’s an a$$ but you will get used to it.
  • When you are dead you don’t know you are dead and it is only difficult for others.  Same when you are stupid.
  • Some day I will just be a memory .. I want to be a good one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Word Association

  • Detachment:: Al-anon
  • Regard:: Respect
  • Community:: Service
  • Strike three:: You’re out!
  • Congregation:: Gathering
  • Generous:: helpings
  • Pretension:: fake phony
  • Pregnant:: pause
  • Drinking:: rum
  • Brilliance:: in advertising
  • Tuesday, June 24, 2014

    Theme Song

    This is a hard one .. After much thought Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

    And you?

    Monday, June 23, 2014

    Monday with Morgan…..Guess where I went

    10411921_10203526359695575_5207963270745159172_n It had daredevils
    Big Scary Lions 10487371_10203526359335566_4236781486985970748_n 
    Unicycles 10488211_10203526357815528_412973833492801367_n Me
    Cotton Candy!

    Friday, June 20, 2014

    5 on Friday

    1. What do you feel is the most important quality in a close friend?
    Forgiveness – friends tend to do things to each other without thinking about it sometimes.

    2. What is the one quality in a stranger you’d just met that would make you want to get to know them better?

    3. What do you think is the most important quality in a good leader?

    4. What is the one thing that makes a child likable to you?
    One thing? I can come up with many things starting with being related to me. hehe 

    5. What do you think is the one thing that makes a good parent (other than loving their children)?
    Taking the time and effort to instill good values in the child, worth ethic, compassion for others, a servants heart, and a willingness to let go.

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    Things to think about

    1.“When something goes wrong in your life, just yell, “PLOT TWIST!” and move on”
    2.  “If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.”
    3.  “It’s funny how day by day nothing changes. But when you look back, everything is different.”
    4.  I’ve learned that no matter how good a friend someone is, they’re going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that.”
    5.  “I like people with depth. I like people with emotion. I like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also people that can make me smile.”
    6.  “Sometimes it’s okay if the only thing you did today was breathe.”
    7.  “You can only let someone throw so many stones at you before you pick them all up, put them together and build a wall to keep them from doing it again!”
    8.  “Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.”

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Word Associations

  • Compulsion :: food
  • Spiritual :: enlightenment
  • Spray :: can
  • Compatibility :: test
  • Pursuit :: of happiness
  • Fake :: boobs
  • Mobile :: phone
  • Ceremony :: wedding
  • Ribbons :: blue
  • Mozart :: Piano concertos
  • Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    Help or Hindrance?

    Just saw on face book that there is NO money for summer cooling assistance.  There is a program that offers help to pay for winter heating bills and gives a one time payment of $50 toward your summer cooling bill.  It seems that the money was used to help needy Hoosiers with keeping warm thru the  horrible winter.  I started reading thru the comments. Oh my .. such hatred and nastiness. People seem to think if you receive this you are lazy and just need to get a job. One said “I am tired of working my rear off to pay my bills while others get their bills paid for them with my taxes.”  That is one of the nicer ones.  Most seem to ASSume (typo and it stays) that those needing help are able bodied and just flat lazy. That everyone is milking the system. And that they all need drug testing. Perhaps it's time for those of us that are able to take it upon ourselves to look in on elderly neighbors and those with medically fragile children and help out a bit. That way we can do the most good for those that truly do need a bit of help. Used to be that families stayed close to older relatives and were able to take care of their own but that doesn't happen so much anymore. Communities and neighbors took care of each other. But now it's not unusual to not even know your neighbors.   They were acting like it's all 20-50yr old able bodied people that are "working the system" when in fact a lot of them are retired or disable people. Please go tell the 72 yr old women living on oxygen and a fixed income to "go get a job or 2" to pay for extra fans or an air conditioner. Or better yet tell that to the veteran  who lost his leg  that he should be working. Or maybe they can go to the free splash pads and cool off.

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    Monday with Morgan

    So it was my birthday last Thursday. I am now four years old.
    I had a fun party at my grandma’s on Sunday.
    I got lots of fun presents and then I played in the gift bag for awhile.

    Saturday, June 14, 2014

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    5 on Friday

    1. What do you picture when you think of lawyers?
    Lots of paper work. Lots and lots of paperwork.

    2. What do you picture when you think of accountants?
    Stacks of ledger books and worn out calculators.

    3. What do you picture when you think of clergy?
    Church, grand old steepled churches.

    4. What do you picture when you think of garbage men?
    Garbage trucks.

    5. What do you picture when you think of a best friend?
    Sunshine and smiles.

    Thursday, June 12, 2014


    Do you ever think about the moments in your life that change you. That have made you into what you are. I'm not necessarily talking about weddings, or births, or even deaths. I'm talking about those random times, maybe it was just a Tuesday, no different from any other...and you had a realization, or a moment of clarity. Something in your head even...when you learned something about life, and it changed you.
    Life goes on. It seems so simple and so obvious as I type it...almost silly. But, when tragedy hits you, in any way, shape, or's easy to get lost in it. To feel sorry for yourself and to give up on ever finding a way out.
    I realize that the world isn’t  going to stop and wait for me to "get over" it.. The world will move on...with, or without me.

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014

    Word Associations

  • Savage :: land
  • Warrior :: basketball
  • Daisy :: flower
  • Schedule :: appointment
  • Rock, paper, scissors :: hand
  • Medical :: expenses
  • Jade :: jewel
  • Elevator :: shaft
  • Drain :: clogged
  • Goldfish :: bowl
  • Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    Conspiracy Theory

    You know those emails that ramble on and on about some poor kid dying of cancer, or some photo of clouds in the form of God's hand reaching from the heavens captured on film...or the one about the McPlayPlaces, you know, with the rattlesnakes in the ball pit! Those emails that either tug at your heartstrings, tick you off royally, fill you with guilt, or make you want to move into a storm shelter and withdraw from society completely!
    I got one of those emails today...maybe you've gotten it already. The one about the guards of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington D.C. Have you seen it? It lists the duties and qualifications of the guards. It says that they can't drink or curse for the 2 years that they serve as guard and for the rest of their lives!!! Well, that puts me out of the running fo sho!!! lists all these crazy facts about something which I know nothing about. So, initially...I believe every word of it. Then I realize that it might be one of THOSE emails, so I go directly to Snopes to check it out. I search for pops up immediately...and while some of the not-so-shocking facts are true...most of the ones that were surprising, were completely made up. Like, the guard can drink and curse while they are off-duty! Whew, maybe there is a chance for me, after all!! So, after reading the explanation on Snopes...I feel much better...I feel like I have investigated this thoroughly and have sniffed out the truth!
    After finding the truth...I'm always a little ticked. I wasted precious time researching this BS story! I mean...who sits around and comes up with this crap? Is it a global game of "Telephone"...where you sit in a circle, whisper something to your neighbor, then they pass it the time it makes it all the way's not AT ALL what you said to begin with!
    But then,...I got to thinking again! What if the people at Snopes are just professional BSers? What if they just pull this crap straight out their butt, put it on a plate, serve it with a beautiful garnish and I waltz in and eat it up! How do I know if what I read on Snopes is true? Is there a Snopes-type website for websites like Snopes?
    Maybe it's all just a conspiracy...maybe the people at Snopes make these stupid stories up, just to support their own website. That's my theory...what do you think?

    Monday, June 9, 2014


    From the first day of school
    becca grad
    To the last day congratulations Becca! 
    We love you and are so Proud of you!
    This was just too cute to not include.

    Friday, June 6, 2014

    5 on Friday

    1. What are your five favorite all time TV shows?
    Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, and any British Comedy.

    2. What five things you want to do before the year is out?
    Redo my blog layout, I just can’t get the header centered,  become really, really wealthy, get what ails me fixed. It doesn’t  say it had to be realistic.

    3. Who are five people (alive, dead, or otherwise) you would want to have dinner with?
    George W Bush,  Peyton Manning,  Mark Martin,  Donald Trump, and Garth Brooks. I chose people that are alive. Eating with a dead person would sort of be an appetite killer.

    4. Where are five places (cities, states, countries, etc.) you would like to visit?
    Ireland,  London, Australia, Key West and Alaska.

    5. What are your five favorite desserts?
    Coconut pie, cheese cake, anything dark chocolate, chocolate cake, and cookies I love cookies.

    Thursday, June 5, 2014

    If I ruled the world

    1. Money would grow on trees.
    2.  Tech support would be provided by someone actually speaking English.
    3. Stupid people would be neutered and not allowed to breed.
    4. People who have NO sense of humor would be sent to live on a deserted island.
    5. People who hurt kids would get NO second chance.
    6. Cookies would be a food group.
    7.  A marriage license would cost $5000. and a divorce would cost $500.
    8. Christmas is Christmas and we say Merry Christmas not Happy Holiday.
    9.  We would plant more flowers
    10. Each person would be responsible for their own actions. You put a cup of coffee in your lap and get burned, tough ****.

    Wednesday, June 4, 2014

    Word Associations

  • Voice :: of reason
  • Us :: against them
  • Passionately :: in love
  • Humbly :: sorry
  • Love songs :: make me cry
  • Dim :: bulb
  • Calendar :: girl
  • Careless :: Whispers
  • Block :: image
  • Goal :: Scooooooooooore!
  • Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    Give me some patience and Hurry!

    When I was young I drove really fast.  Now that I am older I drive slower. That just seems odd to me. I would think that I would have driven slower when I was young as I had all this time ahead of me, and now that I am older I would drive faster. Taking your time when you are young and hurrying when you are older. Now I think it is because I have learned a little thing called patience.
    What is patience?  A few definitions. One, patience is the quality of bearing provocation, annoyance and misfortune or pain without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like. Patience is an ability or a willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. Patience, the quiet, steady perseverance. Even-tempered care. It means slow to get mad, or in other words the opposite of a short fuse. Patience means you’ve got a longer fuse.
    We’re not born naturally patient and it’s something that we must be learn. Some  never do. Some  never outgrow  impatience.
    And I’m not sure that it’s easier in our time than it has been in former times. As a matter of fact, I think it’s probably harder now  than in any other time. Patience is a very rare virtue. I mean, think about it. We’re living in the age of fast food. We want everything instantly. You just want to be able to eat right away.
    And we want our cars to go faster and faster.You feel like there’s just so little time and you want to go, go, go, and you can get irritated if you get behind someone slow and then everybody is passing in the other lane and they won’t let you in to pass this slow vehicle in front of you. And when you really think about it at the end of the day, all of that restlessness and that stress that you hold inside, you might save yourself ten seconds. And you wonder, is it worth it. You see cars weaving and dodging through the traffic making a menace of themselves and you catch up to them at the next light. Those are usually the young drivers.
    It takes time to learn. We don’t all have it naturally. And you know one reason we have such credit problems in our country? Think about it. It’s because people want to be able to buy something right now before they really earned all the money to pay for it. So we’ll put it on a card and we’ll go into just phenomenal debt and it’s because we want instant gratification. And why do we want instant gratification? Because we haven’t learned patience.

    Sometimes I become impatient that I’m not getting more patient.

    Monday, June 2, 2014

    Monday with Morgan and Becca and Katie and Adam and Aaron and Megan. whew

    Playing with my "paper" dolls at Grandma's house. Grandma's have the best toys!

    Granddaughters Becca who is graduating this week, and Katie with husband Adam
    Grandson Aaron and his girl Megan
    Sorry no picture of Corbin this week.