I am very interested in this topic even though my children are grown and gone from home. Two with children of their own. I vaccinated my boys and they vaccinated their children. We chose to vaccinate our children and was very aware of the side effects and the benefits.
More true facts are needed about this topic, and by those who are educated and studied in the field, not some Hollywood type who had an autistic child and need to place blame. And She blamed childhood immunizations. With no training and no medical background she blamed being immunized for her sons condition. Not one piece of evidence.
“Not everything you read on the internet is true.” It is so important to educate yourself but primarily I like to deal in facts. The problem is, both sides throw around the word “fact” like they own it.
So You NOT vaccinating your child does in fact put an immune compromised child at risk. That is a fact that can’t be disputed.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if no child ever got sick?
On the other hand we don’t want the government telling us what we must do to/for our children. This is a real Catch 22.
Too bad you can’t legislate common sense.
The government, though, has to balance the best needs of the people. Are the people better served with children getting smallpox and whooping cough but parents paranoid of something that doesn't exist having a choice?
Back in my (read "our") day, vaccines were few and far between..wbe did tend to build up NATURAL immunizes.
I do recall the POLIO (sugar cube) one...and the DIPHTHERIA one (was some 4 prong spiky thing - hurt like hell)
These days, they seem to have a vaccine for everything (and then some).
Do we know any "long-term" effects on people?
What if it causes some form of autism...or sterility...or worse?
Too much of anything is not NECESSARILY a good thing (to me, anyway).
Then, there's the case for ALL the illegals getting in here and the refugees from whatever country that have NO immunization procedures..."the x-factor" to the equation, as it were.
Lots to consider, that's for sure.
That's just my 2 cents, dear.
Stay safe and warm down here.
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