Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Give Up vs Quit

For years I cared a great deal about a person who does not want to be cared about. I was told that I was a terrible person, an awful human being and had a bad attitude. Because no one wants to believe what is right in front of their faces. No one wants to tell hard truths, and no one wants to believe those truths when they are stated forthright. For years I spent sleepless nights and  cried endless tears and have pleaded endlessly to get help for this person. Then I decided to let it go. I had done all I could do, and I could do no more. I washed my hands of the whole thing. Let the chips fall as they may. At first I struggled with this, but now I realize that giving up on a person is not the same as quitting on a person. I'll never quit. But I WILL give up, until I am not the only person doing the giving.


CWMartin said...

I learned long ago that there are people you can help- and there are black holes that will suck up everything you try to give without so much as a belch. They never think about what it costs the person doing the giving.

Bob G. said...

Chris and I have apparently gone to the same "college" (of hard knocks) regarding this.
Working on our "doctorates"

There HAS to come that time when YOU have to preserve who YOU are, mantain YOUR sanity and reason, knowing that you HAVE done everything in your power.

That's when we need to give it over to that HIGHER power, and move on in our lives.
It's hard as hell to do it, but we do come out better on the other side of it.

And remember, for that ONE who is impossible to help, there are literally HUNDREDS of others you have helped...without even knowing it.

Stay strong.
Stay safe down there