Monday, February 24, 2014

No Guns Allowed

I noticed your “No Guns Allowed” sign and will respect your wishes by shopping elsewhere.  If you amend your policy to “The UNLICENSED possession of a handgun on these premises is prohibited” I will continue to patronize your business.  CRIMINALS WON’T RESPECT YOUR SIGNS!
As a concealed handgun license/ permit holder:
1. I have never been convicted of a felony.
2. I have never been convicted of a crime of violence.
3. I have never been convicted of domestic violence.
4. I am not addicted to, nor do I use illegal drugs.
5. I am not under any indictment or a fugitive from justice.
6. I have passed both state and federal background checks.
I think some one should print up cards like this to hand out or maybe a tee shirt?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

That's damn brilliant!!

And, I went down that list...clean as a whistle here (and at MY age in THIS part of Ft. Wayne...that ain't easy...LOL.
Personally, I feel if you MEET the "six criteria", you shouldn't even HAVE to get a CCP.
(they should GIVE you one FREE)

I like the idea of printing them up...wonder what they charge for 500?

Very good post.

Stay safe and warm down there.