Friday, June 3, 2016

5 for Friday

1. What do you love about Summer?
It being over and a return to the cooler days and the longer nights 

2. How did you have  fun in  summer?
I had fun as a child when I was allowed to play outside after dark, catching lightning bugs and playing kick the can. But otherwise, not really. Summer is my least favorite season.

3. What do you like to do during summer time?
Write, read, genealogy, email (like the rest of the year). Plus,tv and count off the days until summer is over.

4. Do you like the place where you live?
Yes, very much so.

5. If you have given a chance, do you want to live in the tropics?

I've actually never been to the tropics, only the subtropics, so I can't say for sure-- but I tend to like cooler weather, so I probably would not like it. I think I would miss seasons after a while. I'm hard to please weather-wise.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Ah, it wouldn't be a Friday without your "5".
I do look forward to it.

1) AGREED. When it ENDS!!!

2) Biking, hiking, a picnic now and then, but when we got A/C, staying

3) As little as possible OUTSIDE, and play "catch-up" with things INSIDE, some of which you have mentioned.

4) I LOVE our "Fortress" and the area it's in isn't that bad...BUT (uh, oh) the cretins that are passing themselves off as "people" REALLY piss me the hell off to no end.
(sorry, did I say that out loud?)

5) I've been to Aruba (late 70s) and although it's VERY nice, I'd rather take to the mountains (Pennsy for example). Any[place that tends to be cooler. We are BITHG hard to please...heh.

Very good list.

have a great weekend,
Stay safe & keep cool down there, dear.