Friday, March 15, 2019

5 for Friday

1. What do you see when you are looking out of the window closest to you?
*peeks out* The river, the park, trees, grass, blue sky with a few tiny clouds. 

2. Who was the last person coming into your room? I was

3.   What is the most predominant color around you?
Light brown. I love the color, it is warm and I feel welcoming. Sure beats the horrible cold blue it used to be.

4. What is right behind you?
The dining room. we did some rearranging and my office is no more. 

5.   What is on today's calendar sheet?
Not much, as usual. I don't lead very exciting life. George and Zack came by and gave me a coffee cup. 


CWMartin said...

1- Doggie smudges

2- Me... unless you count doggie

3- brown, from hardwood flooring

4- the furnace

5- Eventually an exercise walk, and a lot of watching the hockey ticker

Bob G. said...

As you could expect, my answers will be "not for the squeamish"
1) Crime, stupidity, arrogance and ignorance ...oh, and the sun.
2) Yeah, that would be me.
3) Does WOODLAND CAMO count???
(that's more a pattern than a color...sorry)
Make it BLUE.
4) The other computer (and maybe a sleeping cat)
5) Hopefully nothing of interest or importance.
There 'ya are.

Be well down there, dear.