Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Random Thoughts

  • I still say "you're welcome," when people don't thank me for, say, holding a door open.
  • Do children write thank you notes any more? Or was there a law passed that outlaws it?
  • I had a dream that I won $1 million playing poker.  In one sitting.
  • I wonder what Princess Diana would look like today.
  • I can't decide how I truly feel about bumper stickers.
  • Why does only one side of my head get stuffy?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


--I believe there was a law...the same one that no longer teaches CURSIVE writing.
--I WISH I could dream like THAT.
--Probably still a stunner.
--Bumper stickers are for covering RUST spots - I prefer "bumper SNICKERS" (that make you laugh).
There is a difference.
--Probably for the SAME reason mine does...and I haven't a clue on that one either.

Good stuff.

Stay safe own there.