Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10 Things I hope I have learned.

1. I learned that I judged others. Way too quickly.  I don’t like it.

2. I learned how strong I am. I knew I was strong. But, I tell you nothing has shown me that when we need to be strong we are  strong, nothing  like this journey has shown me.  I keep on going.

3. I learned the value of friendship.  I learned how much friends matter and how sometimes the best thing you can do for someone else is to simply show up. Sometimes it’s very hard to say help or yes or I need help and I am so grateful for those who would just help – plow my driveway, bring a meal or listen.

4. I learned to not feel shame. I think it’s easy to attach shame to one’s life based upon circumstances. When I was first diagnosed I felt such incredible shame. But, instead, I’m learning that this is part of my story and that my life can still be with deep meaning and joy.

5. I learned I am not alone. There are many of us in this life with stories that don’t match what we dreamed about. I learned that sometimes the lonely is felt because we all think we are alone but deep down inside we just haven’t shared. So I work to not hide where I am and what is going on.

6. I learned that my heart would break.  And not being able to fix things in a way that would take away the hurts. 

7. I learned that moments truly do matter. – it is the memories of family and laughter. 

8. I learned that I can do what I often thought I couldn’t. I know, how weird is that sentence? . I guess I hadn’t realized how dependent  I was until I had to do it all myself. So I learned to not grumble, but rather to just do. 

9. I learned to be grateful. Yes, yes, yes this. Grateful. Just for the moments in life that really matter. For the times when I would get a break. For good friends. For coffee. For new days and new opportunities. 

10. I learned how to have hope.  I’m not sure if I have to explain that or not, but know that I once lived in a very sad and dark space. I think I’ve really learned the truth of finding joy.


Bob G. said...

--I've judged simeo and been 100% correct.
You're never wrong ALL the time.
--The strengths we possess often exceeds our understanding.
--Friends compose much of the "life-blood" of humanity.
--There you are...understanding at it's finest!
--None of us are ever TRULY alone, and definitely never for that long a time.
--If hearts were UNBREAKABLE, then we might not know the depths and breadth of our ability to feel and to love.
--Moments are what the mosaic of our lives is made from.
--We manage life in the order we find it, and many times we can only proceed ONE step at a time.
--Grateful people are appreciative people, and therefore become content.
--Hope has to be the greatest cornerstone of life, for without hope, there's not much left.
(just some of my observations from life)

Very good post. A lot of food for thought here.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

Good things to learn, indeed. I could use daily refreshers, for sure.