Friday, March 4, 2016

5 for Friday

1 thing that's on your mind right now
The same thing that I think about so much any more ... the family genealogy I am working on.

2 songs you like

Any thing from ZZTop 
    "      "       "  George Strait

3 things that make you angry
Injustice in the world.  

Intolerant people
People who don't  have common sense,

4 things that make you happy
Bunnies and other furry animals

Phone calls from friends.

5 people who have made a big impact on your life

My mom
My dad
My ex-husband 
My friends
My family (in no particular order)


CWMartin said...

1- I don't know what was on mind. I was using blog reading to distract it from the latest earworm.

2- TWO? Go read Time Machine. There ARE two videos there...

3- Our Chinese fabric vendor
- stupid people who have a charge in my life
- Bonehead Hillary supporters

4- Chocolate, music, walks, and naps.

5- KC, Laurie, Bobby G, My old Pastor, and my friend Linda

Bob G. said...


1) Mostly more than a handful of things - busy sorting them out.

2) JUST two? Wow, that's asking a LOT.
Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) - Promised Land (Elvis)
How's that?

3) The morons in this neighborhood
The lack of interest by the city in our neighborhood
The amount of crime in our neighborhood.
(wow, talk about a "themed response"...LOL)

4) My "toy room"
Having a roof over our heads, food on the table, and no real debt to speak of

5) My parents, certain bosses at various jobs (who were REAL leaders and led by EXAMPLE), several pastors of a couple churches, more than a few friends and family (who KNOW who they are, Chris), plus those I can't remember who managed to make a POSITIVE influence upon me. Thanks to them ALL.

Yeah, that last one was the EASIEST to answer.
Very good list.

Have a great weekend and do stay safe down there, dear.