Monday, March 7, 2016

Cure All

It's finally March.
I feel like a worn out puppy.
And I'm sure I'm in good company.
I hope I can restore myself.
With some good friends.
And some good laughs.
I got into a conversation yesterday, and we laughed.
We laughed, and laughed and laughed.
And when we were finished I felt amazing.
How long has it been since you had a laugh that made you cry?
How long has it been since you had a stomach-gripping guffaw?


CWMartin said...

If I can just have half a one a day, I'm okay...

Bob G. said...

Didn't the government BAN guffawing because of anti-LGBT overtones? I think CHORTLING was included in that.

Well, seeing the Family Guy ep where Peter gets hooked on RED BULL had me almost falling off the couch.
Plus, if I ever want an "impromptu" laugh, I can ALWAYS look at the "locals"...HA!

Stay safe down there, dear.