Thursday, March 10, 2016

5 for Friday

1) Would you rather live in a world with or without technology such as computers, cars, airplanes, bombs?

With technology. For every misuse of technology there are 10 good uses for a technology. Hey even fire has its good and bad uses.

2) If you had to live without either heating in your house or air conditioning, which one would you keep?

Given the temperature lately I'd rather keep heating. I can always get naked if it gets too hot.

3) If you had to own five dogs, what kind would you get? dogs?
4) If the world had a front porch, what would you do on it?

If the world had a front porch? What kind of question is that? I throw the morning paper on it. Yeah and I would stick a porch swing on it too.

5) Would you rather live in a neighborhood where you know all of your neighbors by name, or where everyone sticks to their own business? 

well..I don't know. Because I do live where pretty much everybody knows every ones  business. and I think I like it that way.


CWMartin said...

1- I think I'd be dead without tech. Maybe you could wean us off for a few generations...

2- AC easy...

3- A beagle a greyhound, and three boxers. That should about burn the house down.

4- Leave a flaming bag of dog poop and run away...

5- Can't I have neighbors I know that still leave me alone, lol?

Bob G. said...

Oh, Good Lord, this should get me into

1) I could get by without ALL the tech we have, but I agree we DO need some. As to the specifics? Well, that would take up too much space.

2) Yeah, I'd keep the heating...we still have FANS.

3) Okay - 1 German Shepherd, 1 Shetland sheep dog 1 golden retrievers, 1 beagle, and one corgi (for Wifey)
How's THAT for diversity?

4) I'd have a comfy rocker with a table that had a tall cold sweet tea ( or mint julep) resting there, as I sat and rocked with my shotgun...smiling all the while.
(and to think I came from PHILLY???)

5) Since I've lived in (great) neighborhoods where I knew all the neighbors (and they me) and because I NOW live in an area that changed to everyone keeping to themselves (and dissing us along the way), I'd MUCH rather have the EVERYONE KNOWS ME kinda area once again.
That's only being "neighborly", right?

This was a VERY good list.

Have a great weekend & stay safe down there, dear.