Friday, May 17, 2019

5 on Friday

1. Do you have a dream you will always strive to achieve until your dying day?
I do have a goal, but it's one I'd like to achieve before my dying day.

2. Do you believe in fate or free will, or something else?
A little of both. Fate deals us the cards, we play the hand.

3. Marilyn Monroe. Conspiracy or tragic accident?

4. Favorite childhood sweets/candy?
am more of a chocolate girl – Mounds 

5. Favorite cocktail (alcoholic or virgin) and it's ingredients?
Strawberry Daiquiri and I have no idea I just know it is goooood. 


Bob G. said...


1) I suppose it would be to try to be a better person than I was the day before (and that's dependent upon my longevity)
2) I do believe in fate. Then again, I also believe in a "higher authority".
Many times, it's our "free will" that gets us into trouble, too.
3) A conspiracy that became a tragic accident.
4) Mounds (too), Almond Joy, Skybars, shoestring licorice,and Mary Janes.
5) Has to be a "Godfather" made with scotch whisky & amaretto (on the rocks).

That was fun as always.

Have a good weekend.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

1- never been much of a 'practical dreamer'...

2- I believe God has a plan, and it is sufficient for me.

3- "Do not call a conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy"- Jeremiah

4- Ho Hos

5- been laying off cocktails, sticking to a couple craft beers a weekend.