Friday, May 24, 2019

5 things that make me happy

1. Calls from my children and grandchildren. I can't get enough of them. I want to know what they eat, what is happening at their work, what they are reading, what they are watching on television.

2. A clean house.
Not the actual cleaning, but the result, the end result. I can sit and enjoy the results and feel as though the world is now all right again.

3. New seedlings peeking up from the ground.

4. Fitting into old clothes. I know what you're thinking. Some things I can't give away; so, if I get into those outfits and still feel pretty and young, then they were worth keeping.

5. Finding stuff in the freezer that I can warm up and serve for dinner. While I enjoy cooking, having meals ready to defrost helps my mood.


Bob G. said...

Those are some excellent things.

I guess what makes me happy is having a good day (and that includes WAKING
--Having Wifey around makes me happy.
--Listening to soundtrack or classic music works, too.
--Any kind if cake never fails to make my does an ice cold brew once in a while.
--Watching things grow in the garden is nice, and having ANY of the neighbors take a day off AWAY from us really makes me smile.
==Of course, the "kids" do a good job with that, also (all four of 'em).
All of this chase the blahs away.
Wouldn't know what I'd do without any of those.

Good post.

Be well down there.

CWMartin said...

Being spring, watching all the little nature babies makes me happy.