Thursday, June 13, 2019

5 on Friday

1. What song would you sing to your newborn child? (OR if you already had a child, which song did you sing to him/her?)
I sang "Hush Little Baby" and "Rock a bye" to my kids.

2. How do you think animals think? (i.e. in animal language, human language, etc.)
I think animals think in whatever their primary sense is. I think they think in terms of scent and sound rather than words or images.

3. As a child, did you have a dream to make a difference in the world? Can you describe your dream?
Can I not still have that sort of dream now? When I was a kid I didn't really care that much about the world. It was only once I got older that I did. Maybe a  better regard for all other living things.

4. Do you believe in God/a Higher Being
Anyone who can look at a sunset and think otherwise is crazy.  So Yes. 
5. Do you believe in aliens?
Meh...I think there might be other intelligent life forms out there. But aliens like you see in movies? No


CWMartin said...

1- IDR, but I sang My Country Tis Of Thee to Peanut and he screamed at me to shut up...

2- not sure here, either. I remember there were a lot of things that made Scrappy pause and ponder, but whether it was brain activity is anyones guess.

3- Nope. I was never motivated by the future. Still am not.

4- You know I do...

5- If there were sentient aliens, would Christ's death on earth be sufficient or would he have to die on each of their planets. No aliens, no brainer.

Bob G. said...

1) No kids, just cats, and I sing what I want. If they want to listen...fine.

2)I think animals operate on a whole other setting then we do, based mainly on instinct, but I will say the domesticated ones are more attuned to us than we realize.

3)LOL. There was a time when I dabbled with being master of the universe...then I figured God's been doing it longer and he knows a LOT better how things work.
Nowadays, I try to make some difference every day, even if it means some self-improvement.

4)The way the universe has been created and planned, and how fortunate WE are to be here NOW on THIS planet...can't be random or chance at all.

5)Sure...why not. But I figure the ONLY reason they would ever come to Earth is for COMIC RELIEF!