Friday, August 16, 2013

5 on Friday:

1. Has anyone ever spoiled a book/movie/etc. for you?
Yes, but I was okay with it. Spoilers don't matter to me because for me there's a difference between knowing something and experiencing it.

2. Have you ever spoiled a book/movie/etc. for anyone?
Yeah. I used to own a video store and watched tons of movies. If anyone ask I would tell them.

3. Are you (or were you) spoiled as a child?
No. Absolutely NOT.

4. Do you put spoiler cuts when you discuss books/film in your blog?
I don’t blog about either.

5. Is there any food spoiling in your kitchen right now?
No, but there's a huge pile of dirty dishes.


Bob G. said...


1) A lot of times...hell I spoil it for myself, but it doesn't matter. I still enjoy the book or movie.
2) ALways have tried to NOT do that, but I will "hint".
3) My late Mother would tell you so, but being an only child DOES have
4) I don't think I ever have until AFTER the movie/book has been out for a spell.
5) Hopefully NOT, but you never know when something might become an ad hoc "science experiment"...!

A wonderful "5"...good to see it back here.

Have a great weekend and do stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Bob's fulla crap, this was an AWFUL five (just kidding...) But I think my answers are all the same as yours. There wasn't anything about bras in there, was there? No? Okay. We had the same answers.