Friday, August 23, 2013

5 on Friday

What do you really want to be when you grow up?
I think I’m as grown up as I’m going to get. What I really would like to be is healthy and comfortable in my own skin.

Where were you born?
St Joseph Hospital in Logansport In. The hospital is now a rest home. or so I have been told.

Who were you with on September 11, 2001?
I was here alone and I watched TV  all day and night, I could not believe we were being attacked.

When do you brush your teeth?
First thing in the morning, then whatever time I think of it in the evening

Where is Waldo?
He’s always in the last place you look. Unless you give up.


CWMartin said...

1. Done growing up, working on growing out.
2. Parkview
3.At work, of course...
4. After washing face in the morning.
5.I don't know, I'm just glad to see you.

Bob G. said...


1) Done growing up, out and now working on the OLDER part!
(besides, no one's hiring for MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE these

2) Frankford Hospital - Philly

3) I was out mowing my lawn...stopped right in the middle of it, too!

4) Early on, later on and whenever I get something STUCK in them!

5) He's where he's supposed to be, and unfortunately it's not living next door to us or across the street...(that would kinda cool)

Nice my mind in the proper gear now.

Have a great weekend and stay safe down there.