Thursday, August 15, 2013

Rules to Live by.

1. Never make fun of anyone for laughing or singing. Destroying someone else’s happiness is a mortal sin.
2. Hold everything you can close to heart. It helps the good stuff keep you warm and makes the bad stuff easier to kill.
3. So… when life turns to shit, look around at the people who are there to help clean up the mess. THOSE are your friends.
4. Never trust anyone who isn’t nice to babies, animals, old people or waitresses.
5. Learn basic grammar rules. I swear to God I will stab you in the kneecap if you mix up “you’re” and “your” again. And I’m pretty sure if you write “ur” you’re just going straight to hell.
6. If someone says, “Here, smell this,” do not do it!!


Alice said...

Good Stuff!

The your/you're thing drives me nuts too, but then again I was an English major.

Bob G. said...

Now THOSE is some really good guidelines for living...fantastic!

Stay safe down there.

(And I married an English teacher...LOL)