Friday, August 30, 2013

5 on Friday

1. What's your favorite line from a movie, and why?
"Let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love." Sam says it in Love Actually.
I like this because we've all had that feeling before. Funny. True. Awesome.

2. Who's your favorite villain from a movie, and why?
The Joker from Batman, because Jack Nicholson is a badass.

3. Name one movie everyone else loves that you hate.
Napoleon Dynamite. I want that hour and a half back.

4. Name one movie everyone else hates that you love.
There isn't one. I have impeccably great taste in everything.

5. What's your favorite Pixar film, and why?
 Finding Nemo is still my favorite Pixar film.It's totally cute. Its hilarious, great for all ages, and well... I mean the sharks? Come on DUDE the SHARKS...... they are hilarious...


Bob G. said...

This looks to be a reallly GOOD list.

1) "A man's gotta kniow his limitations" - Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in MAGNUM FORCE.
(but there SO many others...!)

2) NIcholson's Joker was a real psycho, but to me, it's a close call between Auric Goldfinger and Darth Vader.

3) How Stella Got Her Groove Back. (and there are LOTS more)
I mean...seriously? A collosal waste of celluloid.

4) That's a hard one..really.
I cannot think of one that jumps out. Sorry.

5) Yeah, Wifey and I like Finding Nemo, too...the way PIXAR did all the water CGI makes you seems as if you could actualy get WET...amazing stuff.

Excellent list.

Have a good weekend and stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. "Yeah, I'm glad I killed them boys, an' I hope they burn in Hell!" A Time To Kill, Samuel L. Jackson.
2.I think what Tim Hiddleston did with Loki in Thor and The Avengers was awesome!
3.Bye Bye Birdie!!!!!!!!
4.Around here, I seem to be the lone Pulp Fiction fan...
5. Probably Wall-E.

ms nk rey said...

Hey Chris I love Pulp Fiction Just so you know.. Nkr