Thursday, August 20, 2015

5 for Friday

1. What is your morning routine?
I don't really have a morning routine. Right now it's get up around 9ish, start the computer, check e-mails, switch on the TV, watch news, brush teeth and such, make coffee. Then I usually just lounge until I really wake up fully around 11ish. 

2. What is your nightly routine?
The usual, brush teeth and such, check e-mails again, shut down the computer, go to bed sometime around midnight, watch TV, sleep.

3. Do you like to listen to the radio when you sleep or have it quiet?
I like to watch TV, before falling asleep.  I never turn it off  though. I started sleeping with the TV on when I was first divorced, it covers the noises in this old house and keeps me from being scared.

4. What do you like to sleep in?
I always sleep in a  long silky night gown.

5. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
"Damn. I need coffee." Then “Yay I made it to another day”

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Hope I don't portray myself as "boring"...LOL>

1) My "routine":
b) feed our cat
c) Read he morning paper
d) Work on the blog,
e)pack a lunch for Wifey and see her off
f) everything else!

2) Nightly routine:
a) check the doors - lock them.
b) kiss Wifey good night
c) TRY and get some sleep

3) I can go either way, but I like falling asleep to the classical station. Sometimes I also leave the TV on (where's that timer function?)

4) Well, I PREFER to sleep IN our house, and IN a bed (or comfy sofa), but I usually wear sweat pants and a t-shirt.

5) I think the REVERSE of you and here's why:
When I celebrate the fact that I DID indeed make it to another day, THEN I know I can MAKE THAT DAMN COFFEE...LOL.
There 'ya go.
Very good list.

Have a great weekend & stay safe down there, dear.