Thursday, September 10, 2015

5 for Friday

1. If there was one thing about your body you could change, what would it be?
I'd add wings. ;)
No, seriously, tho...I'd probably change my HAIR; I have the worst, most unruly hair in the entire Western Universe. I'd make it curly and uber low-maintenance.

2. Would you rather lose 10lbs or 10 points off your IQ?
Pardon the expression, but this one's a complete no-brainer. ;)
I'd rather lose the 10 pounds; ain't NOBODY making me dumber!

3. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see?
For the most part I am happy with everything I see but it makes me "know I am getting older" and that is sometimes hard to accept. Mostly tho I am thankful. 

4. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Blondes do have more fun so ..... yes.

5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Given that I don't even OWN a never.


CWMartin said...

1- Did you say change or EXchange? Cause I could really trade for Brad Pitt...

2- Geez, that WUZ a stoopid question!

3- When it's fogged over...

4- Girl, please...

5- Anytime I sense I may have lost something...

Bob G. said...


Okay, here goes noting'...

1) JUST ONE??? Cripes!
Maybe my nose (smaller)
(and can I get my hair from I was 25 back?)
2) Definitely lose 10 lbs...I wouldn't even notice...LOL.
3) Well, I ain't doing cartwheels, but since I'm stuck with it, better off liking it.
4) Truth be told, I dated a hairdresser once, and she gave me a HENNA...not bad.
(hairdressers are like DOCTORS and DENTISTS - ONCE you go, they got you for LIFE)
5) Maybe once every couple months...still not much off from what I weighed 20+ years ago (it's a curse, I know)

Very good list.
(Chris is a real hoot, too)

Stay safe down there, dear.