Thursday, September 17, 2015

5 for Friday

1. What is the best part about late summer?
Probably knowing that the cooler temps of Fall are on the way. Especially today with the 80º temps. But also Becca's  birthday.

2. What is your favorite memory and why?
That is going to require some thinking.
3. When you were small, did you realize summer vacations were not going to happen forever?
I take this question to mean did you realize when you grow up that you don't automatically get summer vacations from work/school... And the answer to that is yes.. eventually... when I got OLD!!! Which, of course, was a really really really long long time from then. :)
4. Where was your favorite summer vacation? why?
Camping! I loved to camp. Sitting in the woods and listening to the quiet after spending a day walking trails. Walking in the morning and picking up little stones. I loved the trips to the Turkey Run State Park. 

5. If you could have one last real summer vacation and cost was not an issue, where would you go and why? I would take my boys and their families and cross the country a few times seeing all the fun, neat things that we want to see.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Here we go...

1) I love the cooler temps, especially at night - better for sleeping. And I don't have to mow the lawn as much (and in the heat)

2) SO many memories, so little time.

3) We all sort of had an idea that summer vacations would only last as long as we were in school.
(after that, you maybe got usually two weeks per year in the REAL world)

4) The shore used to be nice, but the Poconos is better. A trip to Gettysburg in early July was the BEST (even if it was hot).

5) Dunno, really...maybe Wales, Scotland, another visit to the Poconos in PA (see how it's changed)...lots of choices if cost is not a worry.

Very good list.

Stay safe down there this weekend, dear.