Friday, May 27, 2016

Family tree

        I have quite a few cousins that I do not know.  35 to be exact.  Slowly I have been contacting each one for information on their family.  Each one has a unique story and unique family.  I have missed out on a lot by not knowing most of them.  The other night I called a cousin who now lives in Florida.  OMGosh, what a character,  it was entertaining and a bit scary all at once.  Let's call her D,  after I introduced my self to D, she proceeded to tell me she is about to get evicted, her pets don't have any food, her car is broke down and she has no money.  Now I admit I am a sucker for a hard luck story, however, not this time.  Something was a little off and it was D. not sure if she drinks or was over medicated but she was flat out weird.  She did have a very hard life and she gave me glimpses of it. She has buried 2 husbands, her father (my uncle) died when she was 8 months old.  
     Her father was my mom's only brother.  He married a very young girl named Donna and they had 3 children.. D was the youngest. When Donna's  husband died she was 22 years old with three small children.. According to D her mother went on the have another daughter and marry 4 more times.  Donna  died at age 44.
Now this was back in the day when women did not work outside the home much.  They did woman stuff, and the man made the living and supported the family.  
    I have been enjoying doing our family tree and getting to know my family on my mom's side.   Apparently I have the world's most messed up family.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Yeah, but it's a "normal" kinda messed up...when you stop to compare that part of the family tree to some of the "locals" around us, who only seem to have a family SHRUB (or a clinging vine)
it could always be worse.

And good for you for not being a sucker.

Stay safe down there, dear.