Friday, May 20, 2016

5 for Friday

1) What is your favorite book and why?
This question is so much harder for me than it should be. I have way too many, and they sort of rotate around in order based on my mood and my age. Up there consistently is Les Miserables, Gone Girl, and The Art of the Deal. Which is a weird mix. But after all it is me so go figure.

2) How many languages do you speak?
Two: English and Pig Latin

3) How many family members do you have named Bill?, Jim? ETC?
I have a son named Jim, in my family the common name is Christopher,  Odd but there  are no ETCs, in my family but would be cool name. haha

4) Whats your all time favorite song?
Wow no way can I just name one song.. I will say this I love Garth and George Strait.

5) What can't you imagine your life without?
My  mind, conscious and fully functioning-- which is why when it starts to go, I'll consider my life over and probably kill myself. I have writing a living will to ensure no one tries to keep me around in a vegetable or brain-damaged state if there's an alternative. Given a second choice I would chose my computer..


CWMartin said...

1- Art Of The Deal, huh? Lessee, the first book that comes to mind on favorite is usually Leon Uris' Trinity. Longest book I ever read multiple times. (BTW, no judgment on Art, just a semi-surprised nod of the eyebrow.)

2- Basically the same answer here, although I know enough Espanol to find a bathroom, get a beer and maybe something to eat.

3- Funny that you mention Christopher (which is my first name) and ask about Bill (which is my MIDDLE name).

4- No Time By the Guess Who, Strange Magic by ELO, or Sherry by the 4 Seasons depending on the mood.

5- God is the only essential. The rest is a battle over trivia.

Bob G. said...


1) Might have to say ATLAS SHRUGGED because it does a great job of showing society's problems and how ONE person can change that. Took me long enough to read it, too...heh.

2) English and "ebonics" (when required)

3) Doesn't matter much what they're called...they're deceased. Let's say they're all "at rest".

4) Hard to pick ONE above ALL the rest. Guess I'll have to make a compilation for my viewing to see the songs I have liked....LOL

5) Gotta run w/ Chris on this. Life would be a LOT worse without HIM.

Good list.

Have a great weekend & stay safe down there, dear.