Thursday, May 26, 2016

5 for Friday

1. What is your favorite condiment?
Yellow Mustard.

2. What is your favorite spice?
Cinnamon, Cloves, Smokey Paprika

3. What is your favorite cooking oil? (Canola oil, sesame oil, butter, etc)
Olive Oil and non stick cooking sprays made with olive oil

4. What is your favorite starchy food? (Bread, rice, potatoes, noodles, etc)
All of the above. I am a lover of carbs and starches.

5. What is your favorite flavor for candy?

Duh,  dark Chocolate


Bob G. said...

Let's see what this list will tell about us...

1) Ketchup (or catsup)...either one...LOL.
Yellow mustard is a very close 2nd.
(doesn't go well w/ bacon)

2) That's a harder one. I like cinnamon, allspice, dill, perhaps OREGANO (we grow it anyway).

3) Gotta be OLIVE OIL (and the more virgin, the netter). Shame it's SO damn expensive.

4) Yeah, I'm a starchy food junkie (that includes DONUTS, right?) HA!

5) Well, chocolate is it's OWN flavor. I love root beer barrels and damn near ANY flavor of LIFE-SAVERS.

Very good list.
(gonna see how many of those items I can eat over the next 72

Have yourself a great weekend.
Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

1- Europe, I think...

2- Spice is bad for you. I stay away from it.

3- ? People have a favorite cooking oil? I mean, besides Michellin-listed chefs?

4- Whatever the doc tells me I should quit eating, apparently.

5- Preach it, sister!