Friday, November 19, 2010


The hardest thing to do is...

to not be cynical when you have all the reasons to be.

to look for the silver lining in the cloud when all you see is endless stretch of darkness.

to smile when things go wrong and to say - Yeah S**t happens!

to try to find the positive side of all negative outcomes.

to not believe when others try to drive home the point that you are a loser.


Bob G. said...

Good list...and I'll bet YOU were also watching that sun come up today.
We seem to be on the same page here.
These things are difficult, BUT...when you can manage a smile in the face of ANY of these, that says a lot about YOU as a person, and YOUR ability to understand life.
And that never gets old.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Just listen intently to what these ppl are saying to whack on them will feel much better about yourself. Have a great day!