Thursday, December 6, 2012

5 on Friday

1. What is the one place you never want to live?
Alaska. Canada. Russia. Either pole. Anywhere COLD.
2. Do you consider yourself to be a "picky eater"?
Not at all. I'll try about anything once. I like trying out new dishes. I'm even learning to like to cook.
3. What do you think people say about you behind your back?
I hope that they would say I am a good person. and not "That girl is a little psycho..."
4. If you could own and operate any major business what would be?
Major business? I would love to take over the VA Hospital for just a little while. Oh, the changes I would make.
5. Do you feel as if you are a black-and-white only person, or a person who sees many gray areas? That is to say, do you have strong opinions on everything, or do you recognize the need to compromise?
I see the world made up of many, many shades of gray.


Bob G. said...

1) Well, if I didn't live HERE (now), I cerrtainly wouldn't WANT to move here...does that count?

2) Used to be as a child, but I grew out of that - Wifey is SO much a picky eater. She doesn't even like mashed potatoes or peas!

3) Well, the nice folks (who get to KNOW me) hopefully would say something good...the rest can all go to hell.

4) Geez...maybe a book store or music store (and NO hip-hop)...perhaps even a gardening center like Broadview.
Definitely wouldn't touch anything the GOV'T could get their fingers into that much.

5) Depends on what we're talking about. I have VERY strong opinions on some things, while I'm flexible in a great many other things.
Compromise can be good, but NOT for compromise's sake.

Good list.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. What you said.

2. Yes, although not as bad as when I was a child.

3."Look at those funny little bald spots!"

4. Absolute monarch of this country (Bwa-Ha-Ha...)

5. Gray as my hair.