Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Santa

I know you are not a miracle worker but I am hoping you are a wish granter. So here a a couple wishes I have for this Christmas.
1. I’m not dreaming of a white Christmas but of a Green one, all I am asking is for it to rain money. Yep you got it…money. It seems like that would the top wish on most folks Christmas lists. Even if you only let it rain for five minutes, that would be okay.
2.  This is a hard one Santa, but I think you can make it happen. Seize up all the utility company’s computers and while your at it all bill collectors phones. Let us have a peaceful and relaxing Christmas with out worries of bills coming due.  Maybe while your at it you could accidently cause the slate to be wiped clean so we can start over in the new year.
3.  Last but not least, Santa .. I am asking for JOY. And a whole lot of it, I am feeling sort of Grinchy at the moment, so leave me an extra dose.
Thanks Santa!
PS---I will leave you cookies.
PPS—There is a cold beer in the fridge with your name on it.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Okay, so somehow MY letter to Santa got sidetracked and found it's way to Your place...
Have NO idea how that
(and there are several cold case he has a BAD night)

Good post.

Stay safe down there.