Thursday, January 10, 2013

5 on Friday

1. What is something that you used to believe, but are glad you don't believe anymore? That being "normal" (fitting all social expectations) is important, and that there is one mold you have to fit in order to be a valid person, instead of being true to yourself. I still fight with this concept every now and then.
2. Is there something you wish you still believed? I'd have to go all the way back to childhood and thinking that all adults were out to help and protect you, which is kind of a dangerously warm-n-fuzzy mindset anyway. (Apparently back in those days they weren't as hysterical about stranger danger. Any excuse would convince me that they knew better than I did and I could trust them, because Grownups Don't Lie.) And Santa Claus. I still get that sense of anticipation during the holidays. 

3. What experience or person taught you the most about life? My botched, unhealthy, messed-up, unpleasant marriages. Because it was SO far out of my usual experience, I was forced into confronting things I had never thought about. Trial by fire, in other words. Although it was not a good situation, the post-situation dissection has taught me a lot.
4. What area of life would you like to know or understand more about? People in general. Socializing, not so much the mind games but understanding how to communicate. Also how to be more sure of my own opinions, not letting other people's BS shake me so easily.

5. What is your most valuable lesson about life so far? Something good will come out of any bad situation. I guess that's one way of saying there's a silver lining in every cloud. I can think of some very positive outcomes that arose out of my worst experiences in life, like the failure of my  marriages.


CWMartin said...

1. That there was no way of knowing whether I was "good enough" to get to heaven.

2. That family would stay together forever.

3. My son, who at 8 years old called me out about how I lived my faith.

4.God's reasons for certain things. Of course, that will have to wait for the other side...

5. That I don't HAVE to be in control.

Bob G. said...

I got a feeling THIS is going to be thought-provoking...
Here goes:

1) The boogeyman (and those monsters under the bed) - they're all out on my street where I can see them

2) I wished I believed (more) in the humanity of mankind.
Seems to be missing a lot these days. (until I get with the bloggers here)

3) many.
My parents, a couple dear friends, several BOSSES, many teachers - they ALL contribuited, but my FOLKS have to be numero-uno.

4) I agree with "people in general" - what makes some of them "tick" in the way they do.
And I've been BS'ed by PROS, so you learn the ropes well.

5) Be a person whose word is his/her bond.
Never be afraid to speak truthfully, even though many will never understand or might defame you.
Besides, EVERY liar gets caught in their own lies.

Excellent questions!
Great start to the new year.

Stay safe down there and do have a good weekend.