Sunday, January 27, 2013

A couple things I am sick of hearing.

1.  Was Beyonce lip syncing?  Who the heck cares.
2. The flu shot debate... I get one each year and don't really care if you do or not, it is all up to you.
3.  How cold it is.. you know what, it is winter.. deal with it.
4.  Lance Armstrong.. he is a liar and a cheat. the end.
5.  Manti Ta'o  was his girlfriend real or fake, who was it. was he a victim, is he gay? Again who cares.
6.  The Subway sandwich debacle ..  really who has time to worry about such trivial crap?
Ahhhh I feel better now.


Bob G. said...

Wow...aside from the flu shot gig (I don't get one) sound like you've been taking notes at OUR

I've said the same things about ALL those above.
We ALL have MUCH larger issues than Armstrong or (especially) Beyonce...gimme a break there.

Sadly, many folks won't figure that out UNTIL we're well on the way to hell in that overcrowded handbasket.

Don't want THAT to happen, do we?

Good call.

Stay safe (and dry) down there.

ms nk rey said...

Yep it seems gossip is the new news.. ugh

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Joanne said...

Well said! Enough of the nonsense.
Blessings, Joanne