Friday, January 4, 2013

As seen On TV

Now I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about tech gadgets. And I like to keep on top of things and learn new things. But an ear wax vac??? Really??
In case you are not the TV watcher that I am, I am referring to the new “wax vac” commercial on TV. It asks, “why use soft cotton swabs to clean your ears when you can simply use this small power vacuum?”
I guess the soft cotton swabs we have all used for years and years is really a dangerous weapon.  Instead of the very dangerous cotton swab we should instead be using this handy dandy little electric vacuum in our ear canal. We can just suck the wax out.. so much easier and safer to poke in your ear. And it is so 21st century.
So if it is not safe to poke this soft swab that you can control into your ear, how can an electric device be safer?
According to TV it is a gentle suction, but I wonder how gentle it could be if it is to suck the wax buildup out of your ear. And you can get bogo free.  Just pay extra shipping and handling fees.  One for each ear. How techie.
Personally I think it is just one more conspiracy to get us to spend money on yet one more thing we don’t need. 


CWMartin said...

OMG my least favorite commercial!!! If you are stupid enough to jam a swab so far in your ear that you cry out like that moron does, you deserve to blow 19.95 on that garbage! Between that, the guy who "the IRS was going to take my house, sell it, and keep the money"- as if they were going to sell it and give HIM the money- and either of the "extrordinary med-tech" commercials (especially the guy who calls it 'mega-tech' halfway through), I am constantly telling my TV how stupid they are!

Bob G. said...

Yeah, have to admit that THAT one is rather nasty...
And to think my Father used to use the bottoms of matches he tore from those books for years...never had any problems.
And me using thos cotton swabs for decades...

The dang thing reminds me of the device the doc uses to LOOK INSIDE your ear (to see if the light shines on the other wall).

With some of the people that dream this stuff up, there be
Maybe there's a "high" setting for the vac, amd politicians will use it to suck the stupid from their heads?
We can always hope, hmm?

Stay safe down there