Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Out my back door

 We had about 10 inches of snow over night. It is hard to show  in a snapshot but there it is. Poor Little John looks so cold.
 The river has a skim of ice on it, much prettier in person.
 This is snow on the railing.
 My poor old picnic table is covered in snow, and it looks like the feeder needs filled again.
The mighty Wabash River.


Bob G. said...

Now THAT looks serene...nothing but nature.
ANd YES, the feeder will ALWAYS seem to need filling in THIS weather (wonder why?)

Looks like Little John might need some LONG johns...LOL.

Very nice pictures.
(good eye)

You stay safe & warm down there.

Alice said...

We only got 3 or 4 inches down here in Indy. I'll bet it is really pretty up there.