Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Prayer Shawls

A few months ago, a very nice lady asked me if I would be interested in helping with the church’s prayer shawl ministry. Since I love working with yarn, I agreed to make a couple. 
Well let me tell you I am very surprised at how very much I enjoy this.  My couple of shawls  has grown to probably 8 or 10 by now and what joy it brings me to be able to do for others.

If  you are not familiar with the Prayer Shawl ministry, here is a little information on it. 
“In the name of the Father, the Creator, the giver of Life, …” and so on begins another prayer shawl. This prayer shawl may go to a cancer patient, a person struggling with depression or pain that cannot be controlled. It may go to a daughter whose father is dying and she can’t be with him. It may go to a child whose parents are going through a divorce. It may be a member of the church or it may not be. Who it goes to is often unknown when a prayer shawl is started, but who makes it knows that their prayer for healing and hope with go with it.
There are no set guidelines for receiving a prayer shawl from the church. Often times the staff hears of someone with a particular need and sees that they get one. Sometimes a family member will ask if their loved one could have one. Some have gone to adults and some have gone to children. Anyone who is in need of prayer, hope, comfort and love may have a shawl.
 A prayer shawl can be knitted or crocheted. While being made, the person creating it offers prayers for its future receiver. When completed, the shawl is blessed, along with a prayer for peace. The recipient is then wrapped in the warmth of the shawl and the prayers of the Community. Prayer Shawls celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, friendship, love, professional and personal achievements. Shawls console those who are grieving, comfort those who are ill, bring hope to those who are in despair. If one could wear the heartfelt sentiments often found in a greeting card, it would be as a shawl.


Alice said...

That sounds really nice.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I have one that was given to me from a lady in my church when my husband passed away a couple of months ago. I thought it was a very sweet & thoughtful present, as I knew the story behind it & what it was for. My sister-in-law makes them for people in her church. Its a wonderful ministry & I'm sure God is blessing you for making them.