Friday, September 6, 2013

5 on Friday

  1. Describe a recurring dream you have and what you think it means. I rarely dream, actually. Last night I had the only kind of dream that I usually have, where everything I’ve been thinking about turns into one huge conglomeration: nuns, Notre Dame, pilgrimages, the Pope. It was a weird one.
  2. What do you like to daydream about? I’m not a huge daydreamer. I’m not sure I ever have.
  3. What’s your scariest dream you can remember? I dreamt once about being attacked by spiders and woke up screaming. Not a good night.
  4. What would be a “dream come true” for you? There are many things that would be a dream come true, the first thing that comes to my mind is better health
  5. Best dream you’ve ever had: I dream so rarely and so strangely that I can’t say any of them has ever been particularly enjoyable.


Alice said...

1. I'm constantly dreaming about driving or being in huge scary houses. I don't know what it means.

2.Being rich:)

3. I can't remember the scariest, but dreampt the other night that my computer fell apart in my hands...the horror!

4. Having the house paid off so my husband wouldn't have to work so hard.

5. My dreams aren't generally "good" either.

Bob G. said...

1) I don't dream what I WANT to dream about, so the rest isn't important.
2) The way things USED to be!

3) Drowning.

4) Oh, there are SO many:
Health, riches, getting rid lf ALL the neighbors, having a DECENT government(again), new car, new house, the list is endless (and growing daily).

5) Don't think that will happen to me in THIS life. I'm not that firtunate.

Good list.

Stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

I never ever have good dreams anymore....I wonder what that says about my stress level! That spider dream sounds a lot like my huge roach dream...ugh I can't even write about it....yikes.
Sweet dreams!
Blessings, Joanne