Saturday, September 21, 2013


Over the Labor Day weekend a few hundred kids broke into the vacation home of a former Patriots player. They partied hard and caused tens of thousands of dollars damage. Then the little dummies posted photos on twitter and instagram.
The owner went ballistic, created a website and started posting pictures of the damage, as well as the tweets from some of the partygoers -- and those tweets ID'd the kids. He said there was evidence of drugs at the party including crack and meth. And a river of alcohol.
Now the parents are furious and are threatening to sue him because their poor widdle kids have been exposed and it may hurt their chance to get into college. Some say their poor delinquents are being harassed at school.
I say the kids need to be hauled over to the party scene and be forced to clean it up. Pay for the damage and apologize to the owner. Along with some public service. Maybe in a drug rehab or working with homeless.
What the heck ever happened to personal responsibility?
When did you stop having to answer for your mistakes?
What is wrong with these parents?
How will these kids turn out if the lesson is not taking responsibility for your actions?
Where is this country headed with parents like this ?
Here is a link to his website: HERE


CWMartin said...

Thought the same thing myself. Time was, those parents would be laughed out of court. Shame that they wouldn't be now.

Bob G. said...

I'm in COMPLETE agreement here.
It's the fault of the PARENTS...and THEY need to learn WHO is culpable here.
They should be laughed out of court!

I did hear that ONE parent came to the house with their teen (to apologize I imagine)...and the other several hunddred might learn something from, that ONE individual.

I cannot imagine even thinking of doing anything like that.
Makes you long for those "good old days"...when we all were a lot better behaved.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.