Friday, September 13, 2013

5 on Friday

1. Are you a likeable person?
According to who? If you are kind and decent to me, I am generally kind and decent to you, and in most cases that makes me likeable. If you are honest, even if what you say hurts me, I treat you with respect, which also makes me likeable. If you need help that I feel I can provide, I do it, which also makes me likeable. If you are dishonest, mean for no reason, selfish and greedy, abuse my good graces, or are intentionally hurtful to me or someone I love, watch out.

2. What do you feel is your worst personality trait?
I am stubborn. This is a stumbling block in many of my relationships. There are many things I am utterly inflexible about - often with good (to me) reason - but it can ruin otherwise good relationships

3. What is your best personality trait?
I am stubborn. This is a good thing in many of my relationships. If I wasn't so intent on keeping in touch with people I value, my best friend would probably be a faint memory, and I'd occasionally wonder where they are, having no real idea what happened to them.

4. Are you a social person or more of a loner?
I'm an introvert; I do like being around people when I'm prepared to be around them, but I need regular alone time like I need food or sleep. I tend to be a loner, preferring solitude to the tediousness of the presence of someone I don't really like. I'm not the type to go out just to be with people, and I rarely get lonely. There are only a handful of people whose presence is a consistently an improvement on solitude. One of the best things about the internet is the ability to have company and still be alone. 

5. If someone you respect points out a flaw, do you work on changing it or do you expect them to accept you as you are?
It depends upon the source, but if someone I respect sits me down and says, "I noticed this thing about you and you really should think about it", I will. It depends on the flaw. If it's something that I agree is a problem, I'll work on it, or at least in contexts where I understand it to be a problem. If it's something that I think they are being overly harsh and nitpicky about, I ignore them.


Bob G. said...


1) I want to believe so. I'm pretty easy-going.

2) My in you don't really want to see it unleashed...and neither do I.

3) My honesty...sometimes it becomes a curse.

4) Where I currently live dictates I remain a loner, but I'm fairly gregarious by nature when the circumstances allow. I don't NEED to always be around others.

5) Depends how severe that "flaw" is...and whether the time is appropriate to talk with me about it.
(I agree with you there)

Great list.

Have a good weekend and stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1. Of course I am!!! What're you, stupid? (JK of course)
2.My utter selflessness and damning good looks.
3.I have very good fart timing.
4.copy and paste your answer here- it's me pretty dead-on.
5.I usually need God to beat me about the head with His 2X4 to accept a flaw.