Friday, September 27, 2013

5 on Friday

1. What natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones, floods, landslides, etc) is your area prone to?
I live in an area more prone to tornadoes, floods, and snow/ice storms.
2. What natural disasters have you experienced firsthand?
I've been in tornados (no tornado hit my house or anything, but I've been close enough the funnel cloud was visible over the horizon),  and some very minor earthquakes-- but nothing to cause damage, just feel mild shaking. (I actually slept through  them!). I've also been in a few blizzard/ice storm situations, which were probably the most personally inconvenient of all of these.
3. Have you ever been evacuated due to a natural disaster?
4. Have you made/do you make any special preparations in case of natural disaster where you live?
Not much besides some bottled water, first aid kit, etc.. Come to think of it I should probably keep some cash  as well.
5. What type of natural disaster scares you the most?
Seismic disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes) because there is no reliable or timely way to predict them. Storms generally come with advance notice, even if it's only enough time to get into a basement after hearing a tornado warning siren, and floods and fires usually have contributing factors that at least give a community warning they could be possible in the near future. It's stressful to know that earthquakes, etc, don't have a season and can occur at any time of day in any weather.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


1) Flooding and tornadoes and icestorms, oh my.
(do random shootings count as a "disaster"?)

2) Been through a couple earthquakes elsewhere.
A few blizzards (stranded in '78)

3) Nope, and don't plan to be...(we have GUNS!)

4) We always have at least a couple weeks worth of non-perishable food and water.
(plus ammo!!!)
And I got a "go-bag"...just because.

5) I don't fret much about NATURAL disasters...can't help those, but the UN-natural ones, like mass riotings and lootings bother me greatly, as should they bother everyone.
YOU will be your first, BEST defense in that scenario.
Hope it NEVER comes to that.

Excellent list.

Have a good weekend and do saty safe down there.