Friday, November 22, 2013

5 on Friday

1. one place you volunteer (or would like to)? Why?
I don't volunteer anywhere, isn't that sad? But I would like to volunteer  at the local food bank or soup kitchen.  There's no stress, no sales-pitching, no having to lie to people, and it's for a great cause. It's one of the very few jobs I can think of that I would like enough to work there without pay.

 2. one book you'd like to see made into a movie? Why?
Most of the books I loved  have been planned into movies, I dread the news of my favorite books made into movies because sometimes Hollywood can butcher it mercilessly.

3. one creature (living, extinct, or mythical) you'd like for a pet? Why?
I'd love to have Unicorn as a pet. I mean, it is a beautiful creature -- they are so magical and well, they can fly, right?

4. one place on Earth you'd like to visit? Why?
New York City. I have this strange fixation towards the city, I don't know why. Or Alaska. Pictures of it look so beautiful and I've just always wanted to go there.

5. one talent or skill you'd like to develop? Why?
I would like to develop a talent or skill in playing musical instrument. Either guitar or piano. It's one thing missing for me. I love music I would love to be able to actually play music in the future. I don't have the rhythm or coordination so it will be a challenge.


Bob G. said...


1) I'd love to volunteer at an animal shelter...but I'd probably want to take them ALL home.

2) I wouldn't mind seeing a movie made from the Clifford D Simak novel CITY (aci-fi).

3) A Griffon might be cool...but WHAT (or who) to FEED it?
Can we put PELOSI and REID on a leash and take THEM for a drag around the block (they appear to need it).

4) NYC isn't the place it USED to say back in the late 70s...way too weird for even ME.
If I could go back in time, I'd like to visit the Big Apple again.

5) There are SO many, it'd be hard to choose JUST one.
I';d ned a few more lifetimes to make it

Great list.

Stay safe down there and have a good weekend.
(Little John will need a sweater, too)

CWMartin said...

1. I'd like to volunteer in costuming at a strip bar. What, you want serious from me?

2. I wrote a story a while back about a guy who was in-process of publishing the third installment on a book about time travel, who was recruited by a future time travelling research group who sent people back in time to learn about the past. He was selected because his take on the subject made him a perfect candidate to reveal themselves to without his going whacky. I think it would make an excellent movie- and if I ever get a cheap typist, a pretty fair book!

3. Scrappy is all the pet I'll ever need. And he's sitting right here with a gun in his paw.

4. First thing through my mind here was an ad for a Flash Gordon comic book that started, "Ming the Mercilous says: Visit Scenic Mongo!"

5. I wish I had the talent to win arguments with atheists with a snappy, snarky comment, and not have the desire to go back and see how their whiny-a$$ responded.

And Bobby- a Griffon? How about Merv?