Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Soap Box--- Power of Words

I am going to pull out my soap box for just a minute, so scroll on by if you aren't in the mood. I just saw a post online about a woman who is 300 plus pounds, and she posed nude for some magazine. It was tastefully done, and she looked lovely. The post was all about how we should accept our bodies yadda yadda. Fine. Then the comments shifted to "When I see this woman, I think of comfort and warmth. She is beautiful. Those skinny girls- they need to eat a sandwich! Skinny is NOT attractive!" And this seems to be the trend lately. How dare anyone say something rude about a heavy person, but let's talk some smack on the skinny people. "Real women have curves and tattoos." Sure. Real woman also have no curves and no tattoos. Or curves and tats. Or tats and no curves. The fact is, if you are born a girl, you become a REAL woman, no matter what definition is currently in style. We women need to support other women, no matter what shape or size.  In fact change that to support everyone, no matter what shape or size. Not every one will fit your image of beauty but everyone is beautiful. Don’t tear others down build them up.. 


Bob G. said...

You know, with ALL this so-called "diversity" being sioved into every orifice in our bodies (mostly by those nasty progressives), one would think that such diversity might or rather ALSO includes people of different STATURES...

Guess not...but it SHOULD!
Gotta love human nature.

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

Alice said...

Back in my younger years I went through a period where I was super skinny. At the time I was a waitress and people would say right to my face all the time,"Oh my Gosh you are sooooooo skinny." They wouldn't say something to an overweight person to their face.

And that video...oh my, thanks for making me cry at lunc.

Alice said...
