Tuesday, December 15, 2015

In a mood


Bob G. said...

--I can't even find the BEGINNING of cling-wrap.
How the hell do they manage that?
--Guilty as charged (once in a while)
--Maybe that's why we go through tissues SO fast here.
--Can't stand it either in the box OR online!
--Oh, God YES!!! Me too!
--Guilty again, but a LOT less often.(sorry)
--Refer to 2 answers above.
--Yeah. Same old crap year after year these days.
--Refer to 2 or 4 answers above...lol.
-- Funny, when you WANT time to pass, it doesn't, but when you want it to slow DOWN..it speeds up. Must be the same people that do the cling-wrap and tape...heh.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

On #1, throw in, "the end of the roll of labels in the printer..."