Thursday, December 3, 2015

5 for Friday

1. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas I hope it snows.
2. Do you send Christmas cards?
I do. It's a time to connect with people that I don't hear from during the rest of the year.  I send out about 60.
3. What has been your favorite Christmas gift to date?
That's hard to say. I've gotten so many wonderful gifts over the years. I think  my favorite has to be the Mother;s  ring my kids gave me. 2 blues stones and 1 topaz stone  in a gold setting. I put it on and have not taken it off.
4. Do you have a favorite cold weather drink?
Just regular black tea.
5. Do you do charity work during the holidays?
I do. Doesn’t everyone

1 comment:

Bob G. said...


Well, here goes

1)Yeah, I like Christmas a lot, too. And it HAS to snow or something seems missing.
(must be the Danny Kaye & Bing Crosby in me)

2)You KNOW we send at least
Nowhere near as many as Mom would send (or receive).
She covered the banister with them all

3)That's hard to say (for me), because different ages made for different gifts for different reasons.

4) Eggnog (nicely laced with bourbon, whiskey or scotch)
A decent brandy works well on cold nights.

5) Wifey an I GIVE to several charities, like Wounded Warriors, and donate large bags of food to the local ASPCA.
Love to do more, but we do what we can.

There 'ya go.

Have a good weekend.
Stay safe & warm down there, dear.