Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Unappreciative People

Webster’s Dictionary defines “Ingratitude” as: “Forgetfulness of, or poor return for, kindness received.” It can also be defined as not appreciating or valuing what you have, or have been given. Unexpressed gratitude is also ingratitude!
It is a shame that  most people seem to not have time for thankfulness. Work, traffic, family, soccer practice, doctor appointments, and countless other things are their main priorities. They seem to have no time to thank others. 
But consider the following. Have you ever given someone a gift and not received thanks for it? Have you ever been in a grocery store or restaurant and were not thanked for your business? Have you ever felt unappreciated by family or friends? If so, how did it make you feel? Probably not very good.
A simple Thank You, a quick text or phone call is all it takes.  When someone takes time to remember you on your Birthday with a gift (no matter how small) just remember that they took time out of their busy life  to remember you on your special day or event.  So take time to let them know it arrived and that you appreciate being remembered.. .
Rant over


Bob G. said...

I couldn't agree more.
People are so very distracted these days than in any other time I can remember.

And it certainly IS "the little things" like that simple "Thank You" that carry more weight than many realize.

Very good post & very well said.

Stay safe down there, dear.

CWMartin said...

I'm sorry. Thank you. A million thanks! I have never been so gra- what? Too much?

ms nk rey said...

Chris you are very welcome HaHa no the slight was someone close to me. hurt feelings more than anything.. Thanks for the smile.